Jenna Jordan

Data Engineer in practice, Data Librarian at heart


Staff Consultant

Data Management


As a data engineer, I use SQL and python to wrangle data into shape. I create and maintain the pipelines that keep high-quality data flowing to vital dashboards, reports, and published data. I design data systems that house and integrate data from a multitude of sources - cleaning, munging, and reshaping along the way.

As a mission-driven data engineer from the civic tech space, I choose to work on projects that will have a positive impact on society. The data and systems that I work with have the potential to improve people’s daily lives when handled with care and integrity.

While I am continually learning new tools in the data engineering space, my data work will always be grounded in information science. I’m proud to say that I learned how to code at library school - and I will forever be grateful to my MSLIS degree for providing the foundation of all the technical work that I do.

I am also a knitter, a dog mom to my adorable rescue Bella, a board gamer, and a voracious reader of all things sci-fi & fantasy.


Oct 7, 2024 Facilitating the “Governance co-lab” peer exchange at Coalesce 2024
Apr 28, 2024 Boston Reflection post featured in The Analytics Engineering Roundup weekly newsletter
Mar 11, 2024 Joined Analytics8 as a Staff Consultant in the Data Management service line
Oct 17, 2023 Presented “From coast to coast: implementing dbt in the public sector” at Coalesce 2023
Jan 24, 2022 Joined the City of Boston Analytics Team as a Data Engineer

latest posts

selected publications


  1. Coalesce
    From coast to coast: Implementing dbt in the public sector
    Jenna Jordan, Ian Rose, and Laurie Merrell
    Oct 2023


  1. Carpentries
    carpentries-incubator/python-interactive-data-visualizations (beta release)
    Jenna Jordan, and Sarah Stevens
    Aug 2021